Opportunity is like a door to the "Success", the thing which matters is how many of us will make an attempt to knock the door or try to open that door and Some times these opportunities will be be just one step away to reach our hand and will be waiting to show the way to reach our goal in one or the other ways. You may reach or you may not but.. ' grabbing Each and Every Opportunity and to make an 100% attempt to increase the chances of effectual is must ' .
As the famous writer Robin Sharma has said " Take more risks, because at the end of your life you will count the number of risks you have taken in your life than the safer steps". Don't worry about Success " It is a Journey not a destiny" - Ben Sweetland. Success or Failure It depends on the person, because opposite values are complimentary it is left to us how we take it and how we can use that result as a stepping stone to our success.
So, now what are you waiting for ???? Say "YES" and Just grab the Opportunity, it may be waiting outside your door or may be in the window :) Just have a look around YOU, You may find it buddy.